Project benefits
Clean environment
Waste will be managed in line with the hierarchy established by the European Union, with the aim of minimising landfilling and maximising beneficial use of waste.
More accessible energy resources
Heat generation using biofuels and solid recovered fuels is currently the most rational generation method available, making the best use of primary energy sources. Vilnius CHP is an important economic project for the country, the implementation of which allows reducing the cost of heat generation for residents and businesses in the capital as well as ensuring transparent, sustainable and socially responsible development of the energy economy.
The project allows a rational use of EU funds.
More efficient production
CHP plants allow heat and power to be generated simultaneously and to use both forms of energy, thus achieving greater efficiency. CHP plants can save up to 40% of primary energy sources.
Vilnius CHP plant will use local and renewable energy sources and generate local power and heat, thus increasing the national energy independence.
Safe distance
Vilnius CHP plant is about 2 km away from residential areas. This distance meets all international requirements. The CHP plant has the most modern and efficient flue gas treatment facilities.
Considering similar cases in Europe, there are many examples, where such type of plant operates near residential areas: Vienna, the Austrian capital has four much more powerful waste incineration plants within a radius of 2 to 5 km from the old town, and one of them, the Spitellau plant, is only in about 200 metres away from the residential area. Such power plants are also located in other major European cities, such as Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, etc. For instance, Copenhill, the most recent waste-to-energy plant in Copenhagen that started operating in 2017, is more than twice as powerful as the one under construction in Vilnius and is located just 250 metres away from the nearest apartment buildings.