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As part of Ignitis Group, Vilnius Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) respects the Group’s Anti-corruption Policy. The Group aims to act in a responsible and sustainable manner and thus does not tolerate any form of corruption in its routine operations. It advocates fair business practices and transparent communication with all stakeholders. Ignitis Group’s Anti-corruption Policy and Code of Ethics apply to all employees, contractors, suppliers, consultants and other intermediaries. Ignitis Group has an anti-corruption management system in place that complies with the international standard ISO 37001:2016. For more information on our corruption prevention activities, please see the dedicated section: Corruption prevention.

Trust Line

Are you concerned about our activities or those of our partners? You may anonymously and confidentially report ethical, corruption, environmental, equal opportunities and other legal violations that may potentially be committed or have been committed by employees or business partners of Ignitis Group by filling in the following form: Report to the Trust Line

You may also report to the Trust Line by using the following contacts: Tel. +370 640 88889, Email:

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